The Deseret Alphabet was invented by Brigham Young and Joseph Smith in the 1860's. They wanted to produce a fully phonetic alphabet for English. Here is some sample text and an pronunciation key. As you can see, a few letters have been added that are not in the original Deseret Alphabet to make pronunciation clearer. Pronunciation Key Here it is in jpg.
This is a new spelling system I have come up with that allows you to type with just one letter per sound, and one sound per letter. Spelling errors are a thing of the past. Here is a sample from the Bible taken from Romans 5. {5:1} TARfOR bEiG justifId bI fAH, wE hav pEs wiH god HrU WR lOrd jEzqs krIst: {5:2} bI hUm olsO wE hav akses bI fAH intU Tis grAs weRin wE stVnd, Vnd rEjYs in hOp uv Tq glOrE uv god. {5:3} Vnd not OnlE [sO,] but wE glOrE in tribyUlACqnz olsO: nOiG Tat tribyUlACqn wRkqH pACqns; {5:4} Vnd pACqns, ekspErEqns; Vnd ekspErEqns, hOp: {5:5} Vnd hOp mAkqH not qCAmd; bEkuz Tq luv uv god iz Ced qbrod in WR hoRts bI Tq hOlE gOst wiX iz givqn untU us. {5:6} fOR wen wE wR yet wiHWt streGH, in dU tIm krIst dId fOR Tq ungodlE. {5:7} fOR skeRslE fOR q rIXqs mVn wil wun dI: yet pRqdvenXR fOR q gQd mVn sum wQd Evqn dAR tU dI. {5:8} but god kqmendqH hiz luv tqwOrd us, in Tat, wIl wE wR yet sinRz, krIst dId fOR us. {5:9} muX mOr Ten, bEiG nW justifId bI hiz blud, wE Cal bE sAvd ...
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